Definition of Mouse 1. Any of numerous small rodents typically resembling diminutive rats having pointed snouts and small ears on elongated bodies with slender usually hairless tails Noun 2. A swollen bruise caused by a blow to the eye Noun 3. Person who is quiet or timid Noun 4. A hand-operated electronic device that controls the coordinates of a cursor on your computer screen as you move it around on a pad; on the bottom of the device is a ball that rolls on the surface of the pad Noun 5. To go stealthily or furtively Verb 6. Manipulate the mouse of a computer Verb Morphology of "mouse" Synonyms for word "mouse" Semanticaly linked words with "mouse" Hyponims for word "mouse" Lexical Analysis for "mouse" mousey infested with mice mousy infested with mice mouseyAdjective Satellite
quiet and timid and ineffectual mousyAdjective Satellite
quiet and timid and ineffectual etymology মাউস [Bengali] etymology Mouseketeer etymology flittermouse etymology mouseable etymology mousedom etymology mousefish etymology mousehole etymology mousehood etymology mousekin etymology mouseless etymology mouselook etymology mouseover etymology mousepad etymology mouseproof etymology mouser etymology mousetail etymology mousetrap etymology mousework etymology mousie etymology mousy etymology nonmouse etymology nouse etymology oncomouse etymology seamouse etymology shrewmouse etymology supermouse etymology woodmouse etymology მაუსი [Georgian] etymology maus [Romanian, Moldavian, Moldovan] etymologically related muscle etymologically related mussel etymological origin of mous is derived from cat and mouse is derived from church mouse is derived from deer mouse is derived from dormouse is derived from fieldmouse is derived from house mouse is derived from kangaroo mouse is derived from mousable is derived from mouse around is derived from mouse button is derived from mouse click is derived from mouse mat is derived from mouse over is derived from mouse pad is derived from mouse-ear is derived from mouseable is derived from moused is derived from mouser is derived from mouses is derived from mousetrap is derived from mousing is derived from mousy is derived from optical mouse is derived from play cat and mouse is derived from poor as a church mouse is derived from when the cat's away the mice will play